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Ayurvedic Parpati
Ayurvedic Parpati

Price : Rs 0.00

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Product Info :

Model : Ayurvedic Parpati
Min. Quantity : 1

We are one of the most trusted and established entity, with remarkable experience in dispensing quality Ayurvedic products to our venerated customers. PARAS DUKH BHANJAN AYURVEDASHRAM is a leading Ayurvedic Parpati Manufacturer based in Dehradun. Ayurvedic Parpati offered by us is an Ayurvedic medicine containing herbal and mineral ingredients in powder form. The medicine is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, malabsorption syndrome, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, anorexia, phthisis, muscle wasting, weakness, emaciation, nasal bleeding, dyspepsia, eye disorders, senility, oligospermia and bleeding disorders such as menorrhagia. The offered Parpati is processed using quality approved inputs with the latest techniques so as to ensure quality. The offered parpati is acclaimed for its long shelf-life, effectiveness, and hygienic production. By working with a commitment since its inception, we at PARAS DUKH BHANJAN AYURVEDASHRAM have created a significant customer base. Being a reliable Ayurvedic Parpati supplier in Uttarakhand, we ensure the delivery of this parpati within the given time frame. Furthermore, this offered Ayurvedic product is available with us at economical prices.


Name of Medicine  Properties and Uses
Bol Parpati Piles, Rktpitt Nask
Loh Parpati Odium asthma
Panchamrit Parpati Diarrhea disease
Ras Parpati Mania, epilepsy, Sngrihni
Shewat Parpati Afara, Asmri
Tamra Parpati Vikarr stomach, diarrhea, splee
Swarn Parpati Enhanced Blrwiy, Dhatuvrdhk
Prandah Parpati Diarrhea, Sngrihni, fever, cough
Mandur Parpati Liver disorder, Mdagni, Sngrihni
Vijay Parpati Spleen disease, diarrhea

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