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Kedar Kadvi

Kedar Kadvi

Price : Rs 300.00

Qty :

Product Info :

Model : Kedar Kadvi 50g.
Min. Quantity : 1
Weight : 50 GM.

We bring forth Kedar Kadvi , an effective medicine for diabetic patients. Customers across the globe have stated in one voice that regular use of Kedar Kadvi considerably reduces the sugar levels in body. Our company is a renowned Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Kedar Kadvi.Customer can buy Kedar Kadvi at a price rate of Rs.300.

Weight: 50g.

NIKHIL JANI on 2024-08-29

Mera sugar 650 tha pehle ab kedar kadvi lene ke bad 158 he 4 mahino se thank you so much

Chitra on 2023-06-24

Effective medicine , my mother is using for her diabetes

Nilesh on 2022-07-29

Very good ayurvedic medicine for diabetics

Narendra khokhar on 2021-12-13

Narendra khokhar son of barampal village Chhaprauli Dist bagpat

chhavinder gill on 2018-01-23

good for suger Kedar Kadvi , an effective medicine for diabetic patients

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