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Shikakai Sathritha Herbal Shampoo Back Cover

Shikakai Sathritha Herbal Shampoo

Price : Rs 120.00

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Product Info :

Model : Herbal Shampoo
Min. Quantity : 1
Weight : 200 GM.
  • We bring forth Shikakai  Sathritha Herbal Shampoo, an effective shampoo  for keeping the hairs silky, black and prevents dandruff. Shikakai helps to receive the hair growth and maintains healthy hairs. Customers across the globe have stated in one voice that regular use of Shikakai  Sathritha Herbal Shampoo considerably keeps the hairs healthy. Our company is a renowned Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Shikakai  Sathritha Herbal Shampoo can buy at a price rate of Rs.120.

Weight: 200ml.

Ruchika Singh on 2024-09-12

Its really good Shampoo. I am liking it a lot

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